Based on the client's business interests, draft contracts or agreements are made for and represent the client's interests with second parties and/or other third parties. Included in the scope of legal drafting are material or non-material contracts or agreements such as but not limited to:
a. Company regulations;
b. Employment Contract/ Employment Agreement;
c. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU);
d. Cooperation Agreement;
e. Financing Agreement;
f. Lease Agreement;
g. Work/Activity Implementation Agreement;
h. Sale and Purchase Agreement / Pre-Sale Purchase (Sale and Purchasing Agreement);
i. Shareholder Agreement;
j. Partnership Agreement, Frenchise Cooperation; and
k. Other agreements as required.
Including the scope of legal drafting, providing analysis (review), legal scientific studies, legal advice and inputs related to agreements that have been or will be made with second parties and/or other third parties.